We were present at the Aapresid Congress

August 15, 2024

The Aapresid Congress (Argentine Association of Direct Sowing Producers) is an event in Argentina’s agricultural industry that has been connecting innovation, technology, and the goal of promoting increasingly sustainable production systems for over three decades.

Aapresid Congress 1

Aapresid is an organization of agricultural producers who, driven by their interest in soil conservation, adopted and promoted the dissemination of a new agricultural paradigm based on direct sowing farming.

In this edition, Fernando Boglietti, our sales manager for Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, attended this edition, which took place from August 7th to 9th at the Palermo Exhibition Center, under the slogan “The place where the future is written”.

Soil care is key

He was able to establish contacts with distributors, agricultural producers, and fertilizer equipment manufacturers, as well as attend various presentations. The conclusion drawn was that direct sowing farming is here to stay, and fertilization with phosphorus, nitrogen, and sulfur are fully established practices. Soil care is key to the evolution of agriculture, and now it’s time to understand that the new and most efficient way to care for the soil is through “balanced fertilization,” which starts with soil analysis and a technical recommendation.

In this regard, attention must also be paid to calcium as the most important element in the relationship between soil microbiota and minerals in soil organic matter, as well as in pH regulation.

These are elements that BIFOX offers through our natural phosphate Bifox-20, which not only provides phosphorus but also the calcium that soils need to begin reversing the trend of soil acidification in the Pampas region.